




The homesteading life can be rewarding and amazing, but it also can be overwhelming and expensive... if you don't have a plan for keeping costs low and cash flow coming in regularly.

You may be one of the many people choosing this lifestyle to leave the rat-race, find balance and harmony in your life. Sadly, many people start homesteading and quickly realized how much money it can cost to maintain a homestead. Unfortunately, some homesteaders figure this out too late, go broke and quit the lifestyle.

The P.A.I.D. HOMESTEADER ACADEMY is the answer to this problem.


While many homesteaders don't go into homesteading to make money, the fact is if you want to be able to live the homesteading life to the fullest you need to make it start working for you.

You don't have to have acres and acres of land to do this either. What you need is a cash flow strategy that utilizes on-homestead, off-homestead and online income opportunities.

A lot of homesteaders are leaving money on the table because they are not tapping into the income streams that can allow for passive, automated, income daily (P.A.I.D.).

The P.A.I.D. Homesteader Academy will show you not only how to set up a homestead income plan that includes passive and automated strategies but it will also help you have a year-round cash flow strategy.

My name is Mona Weathers and I am here to help you.

As a long-time homesteader, I understand what keeps you up at night.

"Can I afford to start a homestead?"

"Will my spouse ever be able to work from homestead full-time?"

"What if that tree falls and destroys the barn we just built?"

"I'm worried we won't have enough money to pay for new fencing."

"How are we going to be able to pay for the vet fees?

"Will we ever be able to take a vacation?"

These thoughts enter our minds and it's difficult to keep moving forward because it's hard to see a way out. I'm here to offer you HOPE. The best way to get out of this feeling of despair is to have a plan and to focus on that plan.

What you DON'T want to do is wait until Jan 1st of 2024 to start your homestead income plan. You want to start now!

Through the P.A.I.D. Homesteader Academy I will show you how to create a plan and much more...

Farming boots

By the end of this program you will have...


I will guide you through the idea generation process to find the perfect products/services for you to sell to your ideal customer.

A solid cash flow plan

I will show you how to set up your cash flow plan using the 3 homestead income strategy: on-homestead, off-homestead & online income


You will learn how to share your products locally and/or with the world by learning my marketing pyramid system.


I will show you how to turn your hobbies, interests and skills into problem solving products and services. Selling become a natural next step when you learn my method.


I will show you how to divide your calendar year into quarters and have launch periods to focus on specific products.


You will learn the best was to automate parts of your business so that you can free up time for the things you love to do.

All of these tools will give you a solid foundation for your future product ideas as well.



"Mona has been my number one cheerleader and my guide on this journey to figure out how best I can make income off of my homestead. Mona is is a great leading force in helping me take the necessary steps forward that are needed to make the hard decisions. Mona never gives up on you and will always give you lots of ideas and options when you feel stuck. All in all, I have had an overwhelmingly positive experience working with Mona, and will definitely be doing it again, when I find the need."

LESLIE , Civil Engineer

"Mona is a great teacher and offers invaluable information to help someone grow their business. She is warm and encouraging and you can tell she loves to teach…her excitement is contagious…it makes you excited about what you are learning and applying. Mona engages with her students and offers them practical exercises to narrow down an idea, a product, and a goal. You will not regret taking a class from Mona and discovering what you are capable of doing through her mentorship and coaching."


“Mona has been so great to work with and is so patient! I ask lots of questions and she never makes me feel like they’re dumb questions, or that I’m asking too much. She’s a great listener and always seems to be one step ahead of me during the process.”

I will be your biggest cheerleader and

help you created profitable products for your ideal customer.



Local Community Service River Cleanup Teamwork


It’s important to have a good onboarding experience so the first week of the course will be getting you settled into the course and community. We have a private community where you will get plugged in and meet the other course students.

Academy members only will use this week to schedule a

1:1 welcome meeting with Mona.

Thoughtful young African woman, questions and idea


Whether you have a idea or not it’s a good idea to go through the idea generation process to be sure the products or services you want to create align with your lifestyle goals. You will discover who you want to serve with your products. If you don’t have any product ideas yet, this will be the perfect time for you to discover a product or service that will serve your ideal customer.

Test card with cbokeh background


The product idea testing week is so valuable in deciding if you need to adjust your product offer or get clearer on your ideal customer. During this week you will be focusing on doing market research to be sure your ideas will sell. You will decide on one product to start with and then test those ideas on your ideal customer.

An organic farmer at an outdoor farm stand


The PAID method includes finding multiple ways to serve your ideal customer with your product offer suite. You will be creating more than one product that will serve your people throughout their customer journey. This week you will decide on other products you can make to serve your customers.

Marketing Strategy


Marketing is the lifeblood of your business. If you don’t have a marketing strategy your products will not find the right people and you will have no sales. Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated but it does need to be well thought out and strategic. This week you will learn how to have a 4 quarter marketing plan that will give you peace of mind knowing what steps you need to take to grow your business. You will learn how to use social media, word-of-mouth, referral, and email marketing.

Sales Word on Wooden Table


Selling is the natural next step in the process when you’ve found your ideal customer and have a product that solves their problems. People will thank you for helping them and they will be happy to spend the necessary money to see the results they are after. This week you will learn how to make the selling process seamless with the rest of your business tasks.

Light bulb rocket launch for idea boost


A lot of new business owners miss the Launch Plan step. Without a launch plan your products don’t have enough runway to be discovered by your ideal customer. This week you will learn how to divide your year up into 4 quarters and have a launch strategy that highlights specific products or services for a quarter of the year.

Peaches at the Farm Stand


You don’t want to be working like a dog all of the time so you need to have a automation and delegation plan. Automating certain parts of your business will enable you to put energy into the growth of your business. This week you will learn all of the best ways to automate certain tasks and delegate responsibilities when your business is ready for adding help.

Text Road to relaunch in yellow notes with pen


As you are working your way through this homestead income plan process you need to have a plan for when things DON’T go as planned. This week you will learn about the PIVOT and RELAUNCH planning. This will ensure you are still able to bring in money if your first launch doesn’t turn out the way you planned it.

Think Unlimited


This week you will be setting up all of the email automations and content scheduling to ensure you have a smooth launch period. You will learn the best ways to connect with your customers. You will also learn how to repeat these same launch steps for future products you add to your product offer suite.

Perseverance road


You will learn how to map out your product launches for an entire year. You will have tasks and steps scheduled ahead of time so that you can just plug and play your launch plan as well as have your relaunch plan ready as a backup.

Mother and Child on Farm

Is the academy right for you?

I want to help you decide if this program is right for you. The P.A.I.D. Homesteader Academy is designed to help you get BIG results. Big results require your dedication. Since we will be spending 6 months together, I want to be sure it’s something YOU know you are ready for.

If you can say yes to any of the following statements then this program is right for you:

  • You need 2024 to be a better year for you financially
  • You are ready to follow proven steps necessary to see your idea grow into a profitable business.
  • You have an idea know someone will buy but you just don’t know how to start.
  • You have a product that is not selling because you know are missing key parts to your business.
  • You need a cheerleader and community to encourage you throughout your business venture.

If you are not ready to join the academy, it’s ok. I’ve added another option just for you. There are two ways you get the course information.

You can either join as an academy member and get all of this:

  • Guided 12 week course material
  • Weekly group coaching
  • Monthly personal 1:1 coaching
  • 6 Months free access to the Homestead Income Plan Vip (HIP VIP) Group
  • Entire Bonus Bundle
  • 1 of the 10 spots only available every 6 months to a year.
  • Lifetime access to the PAID course.

Or you can just purchase the course only and get this:

  • 12 week course material
  • Cohort optional: Start date is same but you can choose to go at a slower pace.
  • 3 months access to the HIP VIP group.
  • Lifetime access to the PAID course.

If you are really serious about building a homestead business The PAID Academy is the best option because you will have access to coaching sessions with Mona and you will get access to the Homestead Income Plan VIP group for 6 months.

I’ve broken down both options in the chart below for more clarification.




What types of products will I be creating to sell?

The PAID Homesteader course will show you how to discover and create products/services

that you can sell in-person, but it will also show you how to create digital products you can sell online. Academy members and early course purchasers will have access to mini courses which will help you generate income from other sources such as affiliate marketing.

Are my results guaranteed?

Like anything in life, you will get out of this program what you put into it. While we do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee, the results you get are up to you. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results.

Is there a payment plan for the course and academy?

Yes, you can choose a 6 month payment plan for the PAID Academy and a 3 month payment plan for the course only.

What happens if I miss a payment?

The course lessons will be dripped out over a 12 week period. If you miss a payment your course material will be paused until payment is paid. If you the payment is not received within 5 days, you will no longer have access to the course. If you choose to pay the balance of the course,access will be give back and you will have lifetime access to the the full course.

Do I have lifetime access to the PAID Homesteader course?

Yes! You have lifetime access to the course portion of this program. You have 6-months of free access to the private group coaching and community membership if you are an academy member and 3-months access to the HIP VIP community if you purchased the course only.

Can I continue to have access to the Homestead Income Plan VIP group after the free

6 months (for academy) 3 months (for course only)?

Yes, the private membership will continue to be available after the free period for a monthly fee.

What if I can't attend live coaching meetings? Will there be replays available?

Yes! All group coaching live sessions will be available to watch on replay.

Can I share course info with a friend?

The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy, but the activities in each class are tailored for the individuals in that specific group. In order for your friends to get the best results, we recommend they sign up to take the program themselves.

What if I have more questions?

You can contact Mona if you have more questions about the program.

I will show you how to create homestead income plan that includes on-homestead, off-homestead and online income streams.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Income that has scaleable potential like this digital workbook made over $2000 within a 4-week period.